Life is feudal wiki combat skills
Life is feudal wiki combat skills

life is feudal wiki combat skills

At this point I had made myself a stone axe, a stone hammer, several coils of rope, and a sling with 50 bullets. Not so much in the literal sense, but rather in the sense that fans of Eve Online would appreciate: a monotonous, yet necessary task, usually resulting in large quantities of low value items. However, by the time I was sitting near the mountainside, gathering flint, I realized that I was mining. The game has a wonderful feature called mass production, where you can collect plant fibers, or nearly any other material, over and over again until your eyes bleed. So I used the run command, then the Sprint command, and I was running toward some mountains near where I had been able to pick up some flint, found a spot where there was a rocky mountainside near grass and a small grove of trees, and thought to myself that my problems would be over as soon as I could make a set of basic tools! So I first started gathering plant fibers. Solving my own problemsĪfter resorting to Google, I discovered you can’t harvest materials near the point where characters spawn. I’m not asking for much, maybe when right clicking a tree to access its context menu, show all the things a person could do and simply gray out the ones I can’t (bonus points if a tooltip explains what skill I need to do the thing to the tree). What’s important, here, is that the game should at the very least provide me with the information I need to do the thing I want to do. Same goes for trying to collect grass fibers to complete my basic axe, although my ability to pick up pieces of flint is unparalleled.

life is feudal wiki combat skills

The game gives me no idea why I can’t do certain things: the tutorial tells me to go right click on a tree to get branches, but all I can do to that tree is examine it, which only tells me how much the tree has in resources. I’m sure someone with more dexterous fingers than my own would be more than capable of elaborately dancing through a battlefield with combos and evades galore, but I truly have a hard time imagining anyone being able to effectively fight with all of these different keystrokes required. In this mode, you have to hold down the V key if you’d like to rotate the camera with the mouse, and not only are there separate inputs for attack, block, and shield bash, but also inputs for sword thrusts, overhead swings, left swings, and right swings.

life is feudal wiki combat skills


On top of all this, there is still “Combat” mode: Again, for some reason, you need to press a button to get into “War Stance” (R by default), which is completely separate from the aforementioned free look/cursor mode. I have died many times because I couldn’t switch to a free look mode fast enough to run from my attacker, an experience I found frustrating because I couldn’t learn anything watching my repeated demise. On the other hand, every other MMO from Warcraft to Archeage seem to have no trouble with automatically determining the appropriate mode based on elements In the game environment, so why the developers decided that players should be required to repeatedly tap a button just to alternate between whether their mouse controls the camera or a cursor, especially given after each in-game action, the game defaults to the inconvenient cursor mode. Having this extra input requirement seems unnecessary but I should have expected it having played Life Is Feudal: Your Own. This would be tedious for an able-bodied player, but makes the game nearly unplayable for me. You literally have to press the tab key after performing every action to revert back to being able to control your character. Immediately upon entering the world, I realized the first, and most inefficient game mechanics still existed: Free Look Versus Cursor Mode Who could not be a little jazzed when Sean Bean does the intro to a medieval MMO? I remember playing the original Life Is Feudal, which is a bit like this game, only with smaller-scale worlds, like Rust, or Conan, and it had some pretty glaring accessibility issues which I had hoped had been addressed, but I suppose not. My initial expectations for Life Is Feudal: MMO, I’ll admit, were pretty high after seeing the trailer and hearing about how servers can hold several times more players than the original Life Is Feudal: Your Own.

Life is feudal wiki combat skills